A reflection on Exodus 3:11-12 and Day 2 of “Perfect Peace: Choosing Calm Over Chaos” by Maya Dawson
Hey Sis!
Have you ever noticed how uncomfortable silence can be? That moment when you stop moving, stop doing, and suddenly your mind floods with all the things you’ve been pushing away?
I get it. As someone who’s constantly on the move (even with a doctor’s note this week!), I understand how pausing can feel like an invitation to chaos rather than peace.
In our scripture study this week, we’re looking at Exodus 3:11-12:
“But Moses said to God, ‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?’ And God said, ‘I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.'”
Moses was minding his own business, living his new life far from his past in Egypt, when God showed up. In the quiet moments of his ordinary day, a divine assignment appeared.
Isn’t that how it often works? We think we’ve got everything figured out, a new path carved, and then God whispers something that changes everything.
In the devotional “Perfect Peace,” Maya Dawson perfectly captures what happens when we dare to be silent:
“The first time I tried sitting in silence, I was immediately inundated with random thoughts of what I’d forgotten to do or what I needed to do that day. Then, I found myself plagued by feelings of guilt. I felt like I was wasting precious time and could be doing something so much more productive. Next, I was faced with the personal insecurities that I had become so good at masking. You’re not good enough. You’re not smart enough. You’re not pretty enough. You’re not enough.”
Raise your hand if you’ve been there! Stop too long, and suddenly your mind is racing with to-do lists, insecurities, and all the things you’ve been successfully avoiding by staying busy.
These thoughts alone are exactly why most of us avoid embracing silence. Silence unmutes that inner dialogue we work so hard to keep quiet.
What if we viewed our avoidance of silence as what it truly is – a fear of facing our own thoughts?
Maya offers this powerful perspective:
“I’m learning to run towards the very thing I’m afraid of in life. It’s not easy, but it immediately takes away the power of whatever has been haunting me.”
What does it look like to run towards silence?
I love the image of physically writing our racing thoughts on sticky notes and placing them at the foot of a cross. What a powerful way to acknowledge them and surrender them to God!
When we brave the silence, something beautiful happens. Maya describes it perfectly:
“Silence allows God’s word to seep into my soul and water the dry, cracked places of my heart. Silence empowers me to reclaim my time and how I approach each aspect of life. Silence allows me to walk in the dominion God has given me as His daughter.”
The next time life overwhelms you, try it. Just say, “Shhhh.”
Like Moses, who must have had a million reasons why he wasn’t qualified to lead an exodus, we often find that God’s response to our fears is simple: “I will be with you.” Not “you’ve got this” or “you’re so qualified” – but the promise of His presence.
And isn’t that enough?
What thoughts or emotions arise when you intentionally sit in silence? How might God be inviting you to bring them to Him?
I believe God wants to meet you in those quiet spaces – not to condemn the chaos of your mind but to bring His perfect peace to it.
Just as He found Moses in the everyday moments of his new life, God finds us too. And just as He worked through all the twists and turns of Moses’ story, He’s working through yours.
You are never alone.
Let’s pray:
God, we thank you for the magnificent minds you’ve given us. Help us to take a stance against the thoughts that try to rule our day. As we seek silence with you, may you fill it with your truths and thoughts of your love for us. Help us to shush out the noise that isn’t from you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Have you tried intentional silence in your spiritual practice? What helps you quiet your mind to hear God’s voice? Share your experience in the comments below – we can all learn from each other’s journey!
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