Feeling stuck in a routine rut? Let’s talk about 3 practical ways to get your spiritual life back in order.
Hey Sis!
It’s a good day to have a good day. Remember this: you get to choose how you show up today and you get to choose how you respond to what happens today.
Yes, we can’t control everything that comes our way, but we can absolutely control our response to it. Are you going to get upset? Down? Frustrated?
Listen, sometimes it’s okay to have a moment – lean into that – a moment, Sis. But not a whole day. Don’t let whatever is happening dictate how YOU operate throughout your day and within your purpose.
It might take a little mirror pep talk. Let yourself know: “This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Period.
As a community, we’ve been speaking Proverbs 3:5 over our lives:
Has your posture been more heaven-focused after speaking these scriptures over yourself? That’s my hope for you, Sis. Instead of leaning on your own understanding, I pray that affirmations like this one have you turned to God more and more for ALL things—both big AND small.
Then Jesus said to them, “Suppose you have a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread; a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have no food to offer him.’ And suppose the one inside answers, ‘Don’t bother me. The door is already locked, and my children and I are in bed. I can’t get up and give you anything.’
I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need.
“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Below are three core points to hold close:
You know what to do, but you’re still not doing it. Your Bible is calling you from your side table. You listen to this podcast each day but can’t seem to find the energy to spend your own time with God.
This could be me on any given day too. Sometimes I’ll even say, “Well God, I had the Bible study and the prayer call—we good, right?”
And as your relationship with the Lord grows, at this point, He’s like, “You know better.”
As Maya Angelou famously said: “When you know better, you do better.”
So how do we do better? Here are three practical ways to break out of that spiritual routine rut:
Our September guest speaker in the Circle Time Sisterhood, therapist Crystal Brown, asked us: “Who are you really?” We don’t need to go as deep as a therapy session might, but taking time to pause and take inventory of our spiritual lives is crucial.
Ask yourself: Am I doing things out of obligation, guilt, or simply checking off a box?
If I’m being honest, I’ve had to do this often on my journey. I’m your everyday list-checking girl, and if I’m not careful, I get into a routine rut where I’m just going through the motions without connecting in any meaningful way.
For example, sometimes—especially when I’m tired—I start thinking, “God, I’m here doing this podcast and hosting prayer calls. That’s sufficient, right?”
The answer: No. Not for where the Lord wants to take me in this season of my life.
But whenever He has checked my spirit in this way and I open His Word, there’s always something meant specifically for us. He speaks, and I’m like, “Lord, you are never wrong!”
So Sis, take that moment to self-reflect. What do you need in your time with the Lord?
Take note of where specifically you’re feeling stuck. Is it in reading the Word? In prayer? Start there.
It’s amazing how being out in these streets, seeing what’s really going on in others’ lives, will quickly reframe our own circumstances.
Now hold on, Sis. Before you say, “Well, I’m going through some stuff too,” remember this: Recognizing what someone else is going through doesn’t negate your own struggles.
If anything, focusing on someone else for a moment helps you step back and—honestly—allows God to work. I am guilty of trying to control my situation, only to realize that when I pause and rest, I get to take a front-row seat to what God was looking to do in and through my life all along.
BONUS: You’ll probably find yourself blessed with new friendships and experiences you might never have thought possible.
DOUBLE BONUS: You’ve been given certain gifts that can be used in service—your way of giving back for what you’ve already been given.
1 Peter 4:10-11 reminds us: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.”
A sister in our Circle Time Sisterhood brought this up recently. She took a step back from social media—which can serve as a fast given its addictive tendencies—and has been doing so many beautiful things, including focusing on serving and getting more involved in her church.
Isn’t it funny how that works? Instead of watching other people live their lives, we get out and live our own. No shade… but also shade to social media. I’m speaking to myself here, y’all!
As for fasting—intentionally giving up something (namely food) to gain spiritual clarity—this can be exactly what you need to break out of that spiritual rut. It’s a powerful spiritual tool used to focus your heart, mind, and spirit on God, even if it’s just a weekly Wednesday fast.
Maybe you’re looking for a complete revamp in your life. Just before Jesus began His three-year ministry here on earth, He took 40 days to fast (Matthew 4:1-11). This was preparation and an example from the Son of God Himself—so we can agree it was a good idea!
Mind you, the enemy did try to tempt Him in the desert, but if you read through that story, you’ll get a front-row seat to how Jesus handled each temptation. It’s worth taking note of, Sis.
Which of these three strategies resonates with you the most right now? Are you in need of some honest self-reflection? Is it time to shift your focus by serving others? Or perhaps a fast is what your spirit is craving?
I’d love to hear from you in the comments below! Share which strategy you’re going to implement this week and how you plan to get out of your spiritual routine rut. Let’s encourage each other in this journey of faith.
Remember, we’re on mission each day to live like Jesus. You’ve got this, Sis!
Love y’all 💕
Diana Marie