Hey Sis!
Can I just tell you first and foremost how glad I am that you’re here? If nobody told you today, you are so incredibly loved and I am thankful that God saw it fit to make one of you!
No matter what comes your way today, I want you to be reminded of that: God created you for such a time as this. There is a call over your life that is so specific, so special to who you are. How amazing is that? Don’t lose sight of that today, Sis.
Let’s recite our biblical affirmation together from John 16:33:
“Although I have trouble in this world, in Christ I have peace, because He has overcome the world.”
How has your peace been this week? I’ve seen over in our community how several sisters are feeling the effects of this nearness to God in their lives. An unexplainable peace that doesn’t necessarily change their circumstance or situation, but is just this internal calm. Could only be God, y’all!
Speaking of community, this is your special invite: if you’re not yet in our free Facebook group, you can search us up under “Devotional Discussions for Christian Women” or click the link below. It’s a beautiful space with some incredibly beautiful souls. I can attest to this because I read every intake form and am truly blown away by the hearts that are in there. Come join us, Sis.
Image suggestion: Women in a circle, perhaps holding hands or sharing in discussion, representing community
‘What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.’
Coming from someone who grew up with, and still struggles a bit with reading comprehension, I have a true appreciation for reviewing/recapping material until it sinks in. And ain’t nothing better than scripture to sink into your soul. It is our soul food, y’all!
Day 5: Stay Positive
No situation in life brings out our true attitudes like trials and troubles do. Difficult situations are called trials because they try us, and through them, we find out what we are truly made of.
Y’all ever felt “tried” in life? No, for real.
When you’ve felt “tried,” what comes out of you, Sis? This question is laced with the utmost love because around here — around these Circle Time streets — we are on mission each day to live like Jesus.
Are you made of love in response to those moments or days or seasons?
It’s an open question. Something to ponder on throughout your day, and possibly in the face of opportunities that might just very well pop up.
Image suggestion: A person looking thoughtful, perhaps gazing out a window, representing self-reflection
Now, something I want you to release in this moment is something that’s gone around called “toxic positivity,” and open your heart to what Joyce shares here today.
Many of us may come from a history of negativity – I’m not even joking. Your Mom is negative. Your grandma is negative. Her mom was negative. Or maybe there’s negative Nancy’s in your friendship circle.
Joyce Meyer reminds us:
“When we are having problems, our thoughts and attitudes immediately start to sink and become negative and sad, but we can interrupt their downfall by choosing to have a good attitude and think positive thoughts based on God’s Word. Positive people are much happier than negative ones.”
I love that she said to interrupt those thoughts. Have you ever seen a negative thought or attitude brewing and just decided to let it run its course in the natural way you always have?
If not, start to be aware of what triggers those thoughts or how you process problems. Try to take notice of the beginning and as Joyce says, stop it in its tracks! Most bibles, as well as the YouVersion bible app, actually have a search where you can find scripture based on the issues you find yourself facing.
Just as I used to tell my High Schoolers, we don’t have an excuse. We have too many resources at our disposal. So in essence, if we don’t do it there’s no longer an excuse but rather a decision that was made not to do anything about it.
Don’t take it personal. Take action, Sis.
Joyce shares: “I had experienced so many difficulties and disappointments in my life that I was afraid to expect anything good because I didn’t want another disappointment.”
This I felt in my core. Fear of expecting good things is real, Sis. But then she says this:
“Everyone will face disappointments and have regrets. When we have regrets, we feel sad or disappointed about something that has happened or something we have done. Everyone makes mistakes, sins and experiences losses. But if we allow ourselves to wallow in regret too long, it steals the enjoyment of life that God wants us to have.”
Jesus says in John 10:10: “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” (AMPC)
Isn’t Jesus so good to us? Direct quote of what Jesus’ heart is for us, to have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance. Abundance of joy. Abundance of peace. Abundance of love.
Joyce shared these valuable lessons about maintaining a good attitude when things don’t go our way or when we’re tempted to dwell on past disappointments:
My favorite is #3 because it’s something I’ve reminded myself over and over again. Because your girl is always ready to either run or travel…and when I say run I mean run away.
During that first job I talked about in my testimony last week, I passed an airport every morning and it took everything in me NOT to take that exit and get a one-way ticket to anywhere but where I was.
But you know what, I’m glad I stayed the course God had for me in the moment. I don’t ever want to miss out on what His plan is for my life above all else – and I encourage you to tap into that as well.
Remember, God is good and He is with you, and it’s important to look beyond what is happening right now to the end result. The Bible says that He works all things for good for those who love Him and are “called according to His plan and purpose” and that what Satan means for harm, God intends for good (see Romans 8:28; Genesis 50:20).
This is really exciting when you think about it. When the enemy throws trouble at us, all he is really doing is putting us in a position to be blessed if we keep a good attitude during the difficulty!
Life is going to get difficult at times. But if we can remain positive and focus on God’s promises even when negative things are happening, it is one sure way we can be blessed in our mess.
“Lord, right now, in the midst of what I am going through, I ask for Your help to keep my eyes focused on You and the good things You are doing. Comfort me, guide me, and allow me to see my situation with a fresh perspective. You are always positive, and I ask You to help me to remain positive, knowing You will work everything out for my good because You love me. In Jesus’s name, amen.”
Which of Joyce’s 5 points resonates most with you today? Is it maintaining a positive attitude, remembering that difficulties are temporary, avoiding big decisions during troubled times, seeking God’s presence, or keeping perspective?
Share in the comments below which one you’re most looking to implement in your life right now! I’d love to hear your thoughts and pray with you.
Until next time, remember you are deeply loved.
Your Bible bestie 💕
Diana Marie